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Fair Healthcare

Healthcare Future


Corporate regulation

Our politicians must be courageous enough to confront the insurance industry head-on. In a post-pandemic era, every elected official must recognize an effective healthcare system as a priority. Our leaders must regulate insurance companies and keep their voice out of politics. Only then will they hear the people’s cry for adequate healthcare and deliver it to us.


Universal Healthcare

Employer-based healthcare must be replaced by a government based system available to all. Americans pay higher costs than almost every European citizen does for their state-sponsored welfare if you combine our insurance payments with our taxes. A similar healthcare system in the United States would insure the 30 million Americans lacking health coverage while saving us all money. 


Equitable Healthcare

Bold investments placing quality healthcare in every community is necessary. We must build new hospitals, improve existing ones and incentivize doctors offices to locate in underserved communities. Politicians at the federal and local levels must also commit to truly fighting segregation. Engaging both of these strategies ensures that there will be quality healthcare now and in the integrated future.



Health Professional Support

No healthcare reform matters if we can’t put our doctors and nurses in the best position to tend to us. Every health professional must be provided effective mental health support. If doctors and nurses are to focus on patients, it must be as easy as possible for them to care for themselves. 


Health Education

All students must have the skills to take care of themselves upon graduation. Science-based lessons on first aid  and navigating the American Healthcare system must be integrated into health classes. After kids graduate they are expected to be independent, but that requires proper preparation in school.


Transparent Health Care System

The current goal of our healthcare system is to profit off sicknesses of American citizens. Insurance agencies make sure that expenses are difficult to understand in order to hide extra charges. Corporations will continue to rip-off us off unless politicians are bold enough to force transparency into the system. 


Healthcare Failures


Private Insurance

The American health insurance system does not protect our health and safety. Government regulations do not effectively keep private insurers from exploiting their clients. Politicians have allowed insurers to design a confusing system that works primarily to bring in massive revenue.


Employment Based Insurance

In the United States, the quality of your health coverage often depends on where you work. Those with an office job will have better coverage than grocers or cashiers. Those without adequate employer-provided insurance are left to pay hefty sums for healthcare. Employers who do provide adequate coverage have less money to pay their staff, effectively depressing wages. 


Overworked, Unsupported Labor Force

Healthcare is one of the most stressful fields of work, and as such, healthcare professionals experience burnout at a high rate. Burnout in the healthcare industry comes primarily from the disconnect between the desire to help patients and the reality of working in a system that is not designed to do so. It is very hard for health workers to access adequate mental health resources. No reform matters if our health workers are not put in the best position to protect us.


Big Pharma

The pharmaceutical industry is an oligopoly, only a few companies control the vast majority of the market. High drug costs across the country aren’t due to inflation, it’s a choice made by pharmaceutical companies. A capitalist economy is supposed to fuel competition in order to keep consumer costs low but fails to do so when there are so few companies in the market. 


Racial Barriers to Healthcare

Like many racial problems in American society, barriers to healthcare ties into housing segregation. The more affluent towns across the country are more likely to have effective hospitals and doctors offices. People of color don’t have access to higher end health coverage because they have been redlined out of these neighborhoods. Segregation has left communities of color most vulnerable to health crises and ill-equipped to respond to them.

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