Food Justice
Food Justice Future
Community Building
Too many food insecurity solutions depend on philanthropy. These programs, however well intentioned, force those they serve to become reliant on others' generosity. A partnership between the people and government is vital to build sustainable communities full of healthy food. Governments must first incentivize the people to build community farms in every neighborhood in America.
Food Sovereignty
We live in an illusion of choice surrounding our food. Nearly all food Americans eat, no matter their wealth, is controlled by corporations. This control makes it hard to find nutritious, enjoyable food options. Our leaders must force the agricultural industry to listen to their consumers so we can ensure abundance and accessibility of the healthy, culturally appropriate food we really want to eat.
Corporate Regulation
Government officials must also confront corporate agriculture in defense of small farmers. These corporations have a stranglehold over all sides of the industry, allowing small farmers no escape from unfair business practices. The current laws allow the USDA the power to take on Corporate America. The hardest thing the USDA must do is find the courage to stand up and enforce those laws.
Food Literacy
We must establish community gardens in every school, allowing students to become skilled in growing their own healthy food. Students must graduate from high school with the tools to navigate a grocery store and find the cheap, healthy, enjoyable foods they can’t grow. Our leaders must crack down on purposeful, corporate misinformation in grocery stores. Schools, politicians and corporations each have roles in dismantling the barriers between a person and a healthy meal.
Food Cooperative Model
At a food-cop you pay a cheap buy-in fee and gain access to healthy food at prices you can’t find anywhere else. Members volunteer at the store to save the co-op money on labor. A co-op turns a grocery store into a beautiful community. Federal and state governments must provide funding to incentivize the creation of food co-ops across the country. Business education must also be available to co-op entrepreneurs to ensure their long term success. Adopting a widespread cooperative model is the most effective way to keep healthy food costs low for all.
Food System Failures
Agricultural Industry
Companies that provide food to American citizens treat their products as commodities when they are in fact human rights. The primary goal of the agricultural industry is to turn a profit, not ensure every American is well-fed. It is much more profitable for the industry to leave tens of millions of Americans food insecure than to provide every American with enough nutrition.
Food Apartheid
Citizens across the nation struggle to find healthy food options in their neighborhoods. Some can only find convenience stores in their communities while others cannot afford the expensive grocery stores near them. These problems disproportionately affect people of color because of pro-segregation policies. Addressing food insecurity is one small part of unraveling segregation.
Food Waste
Food gets wasted throughout the supply chain and at every stage of production. This takes food away from those in need and detrimentally affects the environment. Slightly damaged (but still completely edible) food often gets sent to landfills rather than to support hungry people. Once the food is in the landfill it takes up valuable land space and releases methane gas into the atmosphere. Reducing food waste works toward both food security and environmental justice.
Food Prices
Leaving healthy eating up to an unpredictable economy is unacceptable. Costs can rise at any point, leaving vulnerable individuals without access to three nutritious meals a day. Costs will always change, but our economy allows corporations too much power in changing food costs to protect their bottom line. We must choose between protecting corporate riches or ensuring we all can eat.
Food Education
Eating healthy, delicious food while maintaining a budget takes practice as an adult. For millions of years, young people were taught the skills necessary to survive as an adult. American society has lost sight of this ancient lesson, focussing only on preparing young people for one aspect of independent life, the workforce. It is necessary to prepare youth for all aspects of their future.